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"An ordinary man and a golden-voiced winged-woman race to save the planet by restoring the forgotten song of the raven"

Animated Film

Script is currently under development by a team of writers for a full-length animated film. Epic in scope, rich in mythological imagery from many cultures, the film will feel familiar and yet so densely packed with novelty that repeat viewings will be required to begin to know all its layers. Within this fairy tale setting, allusions to the threat of global warming will be linked with themes of world peace and reconciliation. Currently in selection process for a director and will begin pre-production in early 2009.

Concerts and Soundtrack

The soundtrack will have music drawn from widely varied spiritual traditions to support the theme of the film that we are all “from one tree”. Interfaith concerts will be produced to raise seed money for the project and as a way to work on the soundtrack as a central focus. Performers and musicians from all over the world, many of which will have spiritually-focused music, will be brought together for this project.

Website, Community, and Beyond

A robust website will build community and help to grow the work into a product of the collective imagination. Interactive tools will make it easy for people to create their own animated stories in the world of the film. Out of these new short web-based films, inspiration will be drawn for sequels. Social networking sites will be made available organized around these audience-made films. This business model embraces the future of “filmmaking” where the line is blurred between audience and artist.

Other web-based games and educational activities will offer information about the diverse spiritual, musical, and ethnic communities that inspired the film, building tolerance and connection.


We will offer interfaith and healing workshops that celebrate the themes of the film. Through this work people will gain tools they can use in their lives.

One Tree Studios is the work of a group of artists, writers, filmmakers, spiritual seekers, healers, computer programmers, and activists dedicated to bringing transformational projects to a wide audience. One Tree will act under the fiscal sponsorship of an existing non-profit. The business model is the latest in nonprofit and for-profit hybrid.


Jonah Baker, founder of One Tree Studios and the visionary behind “song of the raven”, is an artist and entrepreneur. He has worked professionally as a community organizer, workshop leader, web developer, sculptor, marketing speicalist, graphic designer, healing-foods chef, and director.

Daniel Rodman understands the multi-ethnic/multi-spiritual theme of the film through his own experiences of having an American Jewish father and a Christian Venezuelan mother. He is a spiritual teacher in the buddhist tradition and a musician whose songs have received airplay in Venezuela. He has performed internationally and is a primary script advisor, composer, lyricist, multi-instrumental performer, singer, and musical advisor for the project.